Alright, so this is several days late. I promised either a list analysis or a Battle Report and here’s a list. This is my list built on Power of the Machine Spirit.
Emperor’s Champion: Vow (Accept), -140
Crusader Squad (5): BP/CS, Flamer, PW/BP; Razorback: Twin-Linked Lascannon, PotMS, Extra Armor; -221
Crusader Squad (6): BP/CS, Flamer, PW/BP, Frags; Razorback: Twin-Linked Lascannon, PotMS, Extra Armor; -243
Crusader Squad (6): BP/CS, Flamer, PW/BP; Razorback: Twin-Linked Lascannon, PotMS, Extra Armor; -237
Crusader Squad (6): BP/CS, Flamer, PW/BP; Razorback: Twin-Linked Lascannon, PotMS, Extra Armor; -237
Crusader Squad (6): BP/CS, Flamer, PW/BP; Razorback: Twin-Linked Lascannon, PotMS, Extra Armor; -237
Fast Attack:-210
Land Speeder: TML, Heavy Bolter, -70
Land Speeder: TML, Heavy Bolter, -70
Land Speeder: TML, Heavy Bolter, -70
Heavy Support:-483
Vindicator: PotMS, Extra Armor, Searchlights; -161
Vindicator: PotMS, Extra Armor, Searchlights; -161
Vindicator: PotMS, Extra Armor, Searchlights; -161
The Vindicators move up, firing as they go, flanked by Razorbacks who are working on popping transports. Any vehicles that remain when I get near are to be shot by the Vindicators, as should be the infantry. If there are infantry too close for me to feel safe when enough shooting my Demolisher shots then that is when my Crusader Squads will hop out and flame them before assaulting what can’t be shot away. And during the whole time the Land Speeders move around and support the main tanks.
The entire army, save any disembarked squads, moves 12” and fires a gun. The Land Speeders are the only ones which can be hurt by shaking or stunning. I’m counting on the greater threat of the mobile Razorbacks and Vindicators (as well as blocking Line of Sight) to give protection to my, otherwise vulnerable, speeders.
Against Horde armies with lots of anti-tank (such as a Power Klaw in every squad) the large blast templates will clear them real fast. For Vehicles, such as Land Raiders, you can again use the S 10 blasts to open them up and get their passengers walking, just asking for AP2 fire from my Lascannons (should there be no other good targets). Even if your opponent is able to either get through your firepower or disable your tanks (easily done with so many single gun vehicles) you still have a plethora of Close Combat with Preferred enemy.
Now, this is mostly a close, in your face army what with the most devastating individual guns being a maximum range of 24”. For lists I prefer to have a second strategy when using them because it is a sign of a balanced list. So what if you don’t think you can pull the ideal strategy off?
What you do is you sit in the back of the board. Move around the fringe as you need to while firing massed Twin-Linked Lascannons and the Typhoons. The Flamers and Vindicators are there to act as a counter-attack force should your opponent get within 30” or so. They won’t kill good close combat units but they can deal with hordes and they can combine assaults to finish off most units.
As you know, I had a similar list some time ago where I attempted to make CC work and it was using PotMS. Since then, I wrote a 2nd article with a refined list. And to be honest, it looks very similar.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, due to my vacation and now this entry we have going on atm, I've not had the opportunity to post it. Didn't want to distract from what we were doing, but I'll also be putting forth my thoughts. Might have to edit it a little bit and point some people your way. ;)
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